Dr Ipyana, Tanzanian Gospel sensation has released a new song titled “Nikiwa Nawe”, another great African Gospel song with heart-touching lyrics.
CHECK: Joe Praize – Ephphatha (Be Opened) as you get Dr Ipyana – Nikiwa Nawe
Nikiwa Nawe mp3 audio by Dr Ipyana is to draw the believer closer to God.“Nikiwa Nawe” is a song that depicts the confidence and trust we have in Christ and because we have Christ.
Download: Obaapa Christy – It Will Change (Ebesesa)
Nikiwa Nawe Lyrics:
HE bore our shame for us,
It pleased The LORD to bruise HIM for us,
HE endured the cross and so much hostility for us,
Despising shame for our sake,
HE paid off our debts with a costly price of HIS OWN PRECIOUS BLOOD.
Surely when we are with HIM, we will not be put to shame.